What Facilities Can you Expect from a Parador?

Paradores are state run Spanish hotels, and promise to offer a holiday experience that is at once unique, whilst also familiar for its luxury and comfort. This is because whilst paradores are usually unique or historic buildings they are also filled with the kind of modern amenities you’d expect from a high quality hotel.

The beauty of paradors is that each one is unique, and therefore you might find that there is variation between the kinds of amenities found in each hotel, however as high quality hotels you will find that they include everything you’d expect from top quality accommodation.

Also, as paradores are often historic buildings, you may find that their infrastructure does not allow for the installation of elevators etc, which will of course depend on the particular hotel. Of course this is to be expected with historic buildings, and is a small price to pay for such memorable accommodation.

One of the most impressive things that you’ll notice about paradors is the cuisine, and it is a feature of the hotels that all their restaurants will specialise in local dishes, this is one of the strengths of the paradores:  their commitment to giving you the authentic Spanish experience.

As paradores are top notch accommodation, you will also find that alongside their authentic décor, they are complete with all the modern conveniences you would expect. Fore example, you will find WI-FI access, as well as cable TV and parking facilities.

So, perhaps you are slightly daunted by the prospect of staying in a genuine historical location, however as they have been reinvented to be completely livable and high quality hotels, paradores are able to combine “cultural significance with modern convenience.”

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