The Way Builders Find Work Has Changed

In the past people who worked in construction found most of their work through word of mouth however based on the percentage of jobs listed in job centres and in newspapers compared to those listed online today, builders seem to be just as likely to find work online as they are to find it in any other way.

Jobs Moving Online

Builders, like the vast majority of the UK population, realise that the majority of jobs are advertised on job agency websites, some to the exclusion of print media. Some of these builders and construction workers seek out general recruitment websites but the really savvy ones go to specialist construction recruitment websites. They do so because they know that on specialist construction websites they will find a huge range of construction jobs from some of the biggest and best firms in the UK.

While some older builders are still not very web savvy, there is always the option for these older construction workers and professionals to turn to their colleagues, friends and family for help in finding work in the new technology age. Job centres also offer step-by-step help in looking for work online through their computers, free for use by those seeking work.

In contrast to this trend on jobs being advertised online, it is of interest to note that jobbing builders still appear to mainly find work using word-of-mouth. Many small building firms still use traditional marketing techniques to secure work, however that does not mean that the majority of them are not following the advice to get their own web presence online and attracting customers and job-seekers.

Some statistics show that over 90% of the UK population who have access to the web will use the internet when looking for something be it shopping, information on fixing a leaking sink ot finding a job in construction and building services. Given the pervasiveness of the internet and searching on it, smaller building and construction firms have woken up to the fact that they need a web presence in order to secure work. Consequently, the vast majority of small building firms or sole traders have their own website or list themselves on web directories.

The future of construction recruitment

Without a doubt, the web will continue to play a huge part in construction recruitment. Some specialist construction recruitment websites expect that in the future even small construction firms will find new personnel by advertising online. As more and more people arm themselves with smart phones, the internet is even more likely to be the first place they go when looking for their next job, almost regardless of the industry they work in.

One of the larger specialist construction recruitment websites specialising in many different jobs including built environment jobs is This website specialises in recruiting for the construction sector, so hundreds of firms advertise their jobs with them.