Aluminium welders

Welding aluminium is no simple process, and almost everyone faces touch obstacles when they first enter the industry. One of the key difficulties faced when welding attempts are made is the fact that aluminium has a very low melting point, and once this has been passed, metal can simply burn away rather than becoming joined as intended. However, with experience comes skill, and once these initial stumbling blocks have been experienced, attempts at aluminium welding tend to become more successful.

Investing for better results

The better quality the tools, the more efficient they tend to be, although welding can be achieved via lower-priced equipment if the necessary skill required is applied. There are several tips and tricks that budding welders can used to help them along the way. Pre-heating the aluminium with a blowtorch first can be very helpful and can diminish the chances of the aluminium distorting to a pleasing level. Extreme focus, care and attention are all required from the outset due to the fast-burning nature of aluminium.

When the welding torch is used it should be constantly moved along the weld, to prevent any area of the aluminium heating up too much. Argon gas is the principle solution for welding aluminium although skilled welders may also benefit from an argon and helium mix. The most prominent and efficient equipment used in aluminium welding is a TIG welder. However, this can be expensive, and cheaper MIG welding tool can also be effective, but the skill level required to use an MIG welder effectively is far greater.

Attention to detail

Meanwhile, you should seek to ensure that the tungsten electrode that you’ll find on the welding gun does not become contaminated. If this does occur, you should put a halt to proceedings immediately. Also, whilst welding aluminium, a great degree of care and attention to detail is necessary. This rings far more true within aluminium welding when compared to other types of welding, which allow you to reverse mistakes in a relatively attainable fashion. As with most activities of this nature, aluminium welding is perhaps most effective when sourced out to professionals. However, those wishing to learn the trade should find that the above tips help them along the way.



Aluminium welders by Tig Weld are aluminium welders who offer on site painting and welding services, primarily in the construction industry. Visit their website today if you’re looking for on site painting.