Trying for a baby is fun at first but after months or years without success, it quickly becomes more of a trying process than a process of trying. As many as one in seven couples have difficulty in conceiving and it can be a frustrating period which may even take its toll on your relationship and the sooner you can find out the reasons behind your lack of success, the better. Rather than going off separately to see different doctors in an attempt to establish where the problem lays, fertility clinics centralise the whole process and give you quicker answers to your questions.
Fertility clinics will not just carry out the necessary tests in order to find a solution going forward, but they will also be able to provide simple solutions for you to try before you go down the more expensive and emotional routes of IVF and adoption. While IVF is a fantastic procedure which has helped many couples get pregnant all around the world, there are other options you can try first which will help to stimulate, increase or decrease (as necessary) the hormones in your body which are required to reproduce.
Many fertility tests can now also be bought and taken at home, which is preferred by many couples who feel embarrassed or simply prefer the comfort and convenience of dealing with such matters in their own environment. If appropriate, artificial insemination kits can also be bought and carried out privately at home, giving couples many more options than were once available and responding to the need that is becoming extremely common of couples who experience fertility issues. Artificial home insemination kits also respond to the needs of lesbian couples who wish to have a baby without the need for intercourse, saving them endless hospital visits for something which may well not be a medical concern for them.
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