Developing an effective PPC management schedule

When first learning PPC management skills, there can be a huge amount of information to take in and digest. From keyword additions, to bid management and ad placement, there are an overwhelming amount of things to process and learn. The PPC terminology is a language in itself, but one of the most challenging aspects is developing a workable schedule for all the tasks.

Here are some ideas to schedule your pay per click management tasks:

Weekly PPC Tasks
• Monitoring campaign performance – Check that you are achieving your goals on a weekly basis. Focus on conversions and spend and amend accordingly
• Review of display network – If you find you have several placements failing to perform but are spending high sums of your budget, exclude them. If you have high performing placements, they may fair well as management placements
• Bid management – Amending keyword bidding is essential. Identify those generating the large bulk of daily spend, those that spend but don’t convert and those converting well above your CPL
• Budget reports – Are you achieving the daily budget? By reallocating budget, you can support high converting campaigns
• Keyword pausing – Identify the keywords that spend without converting or those with low CTR, as these could be putting your account at risk. Pause them to limit their impact and effect on the Quality Score

Bi-Weekly PPC Tasks
• Add negative keywords – Report on any irrelevant search terms to update the account. This increases CTR as untargeted traffic won’t see your ad. If you have a new account, this may be a weekly task but as it matures, bi-weekly will suffice
• Keyword additions – Use reports and a range of keyword tools to keep an eye on the competitive environment and to find new keywords. If a term is a high converter or a keyword tends to appear time and again, create a new ad group
• Review ads – Add new ads to test efficiency, pausing those that fail to perform well or fail to perform at all. Per ad group, aim to test at least two continually. To be able to evaluate effectively, gather comprehensive impressions data
• Reporting on impression share – With a low impression share, you should aim to raise the budget, pause keywords that are less targeted, assess match types, or all three

Monthly Tasks
• Review campaign settings – Improve campaigns by checking settings
• Review of landing pages – Review destination URLs and identify weak performers needing to be removed. Test different variants of landing pages
• Compare keywords – Set up a monthly keyword report highlighting significant changes and tracking changes month on month
Bi-Monthly Tasks
• Geotargeting – Review geotargeting and highlight locations performing well and those that aren’t
• Day Parting – Analyse performance according to the hour and day. Amend bids to pay less at the times when conversions are low or non-existent

There are many other tasks that can be added depending on your campaigns, but these ideas should help get your PPC management schedule started.

At Click Consult, we offer a comprehensive PPC management service to create winning Pay Per Click campaigns.

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