When you are away on the road, either in your own country, or more commonly abroad, it is often very hard or very expensive to keep in touch. Whether you enjoy travelling, work regularly in foreign countries or are even in a band, being out on the road can leave your phone bill skyrocketing.
There are many possible solutions, but the majority of these are impractical or very inconvenient. For instance, buying SIM cards for every country you visit is likely to end up being just as costly, and having a wide array of different numbers for the different countries you might be in can be very confusing for those wishing to reach you.
However, using international calling cards, the cost for both you and those back home can be a great deal cheaper. Such phone cards allow the user to get in touch with those back home, or loved ones who have headed abroad using landlines or even their own mobiles. No one needs to alter their phone numbers and the reductions on phone bills can be huge.
The benefit of being able to use such cards with mobile phones is that those at home can get in touch with those abroad without having to find payphones. Whilst it is not as practical for those abroad to use their mobiles, it will be extremely easy to find pay phones on the road to get in touch with those back home should they need to.
Of course international calling cards are not the only approach, and with so many places offering free WiFi these days, the best approach will often be to use emails when you are away and then turn to phone cards every time you happen to come across a payphone on your journey as, no matter how good emails can be, nothing beats hearing the sound of a loved one’s voice.