Whether you are using tools at home or in the workplace, it is going to be very important to ensure that you are focussed on best practice for safety when you use any tool. Whether you are using hand tools or power tools, the need to ensure that you are using the tool in the right way will be equally as great if you don’t wish to injure yourself.
In the workplace, certain regulations are likely to be put into place, making the focus on safety seem greater. However, this doesn’t mean you are more likely to hurt yourself in the workplace and, in fact, a higher proportion of accidents involving tools happen in the home simply due to the fact that no safeguards have to be legally put in place.
The most common cause of accidents involving air tools or hand tools is simple negligence and complacency. It is not using a tool without knowing how to that is most likely to cause an accident, but instead assuming that you know how to use a tool so well you need to pay it no mind.
When using more powerful tools such as air tools and power tools, ear and eye protection should always be worn, even if the tool will only be used briefly. Manuals should always be read prior to use and no matter how big or small the job or how often you have performed a task with a certain tool, the same care and consideration should be given.
Checking tools prior to use is also integral and buying new tools as yours start to deteriorate will also help you to avoid unnecessary risks. On top of this, wearing the right clothes and keeping flowing hair or material out of the way will be very important, whilst a clean and ordered workplace will remove trip hazards, distractions and potentially problematic obstructions.