Your car may be worth a great deal to you in many different ways. Some cars simply have a great deal of nostalgic and emotional value attached to them, being a source of a great many very unique memories. Like houses, cars can very much become part of our identity, even cars we may have not been enamoured with at first.
Cars may also have very specific financial worth, and it might not just be in the resale value of the car. Everything from the licence plate of a car to the battery will have specific value and, in many cases, it won’t matter what the state of the car itself is in.
Therefore, no matter how much a car might be worth to you in terms of emotional value, if it is time to get something new, it is worth knowing what your car is worth. If your car holds a lot of emotional value, but very little retail value, fixing it up and simply using it as an extra car for short journeys may offer a better return for you. However, this will be costly, as you will have another vehicle to tax, insure and MOT.
For cars of less value with no sentimental worth, scrap car collection could actually bag you a lot more than selling on your car. Different cars will be worth different amounts in different areas and in different conditions. A scrap car London will probably be worth a lot more than one in the deepest, darkest valleys for instance.
The benefit with scrap car collection is that the sum of the parts is often worth a great deal more than the whole, with batteries, engines and even the likes of wing mirrors being able to be sold on individually and each making a good sum of money. You also won’t have to waste time and money advertising the car and giving up free time to let people view it.
It is also worth checking the worth of your number plate online before you decide to use a scrap car London company too. Whether you sell the car on for scrap or to a new owner, such extras could bag you more money than you might think.