We are all aware that electricity can be extremely dangerous, and businesses are required to recognise this and conduct thorough risk assessments to ensure the safety of all building users. Failure to pay sufficient attention could lead to increased risk of injury and legal action.
The problem with electrical safety is that there is no hard and fast guideline as to when specific items should be checked and as such companies may not undertake electrical inspection frequently enough. However, just because there is no specific time limit imposed, does not mean that there is no imminent danger of problems.
Sometimes issues such as a broken plug or protruding wire are there for all to see, although whether a problem is patently clear or even hidden, understanding the danger it could potentially cause would benefit from professional expertise and full electrical inspection. Whilst one broken plug might be perfectly safe, another with even a slight crack could be an serious injury waiting to happen.
Therefore, whilst the law might not express it in as many words, it is strongly advised that electrical testing is undertaken on an annual basis, both for portable appliances and even for those wires that are fixed within the office. Along with the risks of delaying your Portable Appliance Testing, putting off electrical testing of fixed wiring gives rise to just as many potential problems.
So, no matter whether you are in a dangerous industrial environment or the quietest of offices, it is worth remembering that electrical supplies can offer the same potential dangers, and to ensure that any electrical items are therefore checked regularly by a competent person.