There continues to be considerable grey areas for many businesses in terms of what falls under the banner of human resources and what should be classed as payroll functions. This is understandably so, as many aspects of each business function are interrelated. In some cases they are so inextricably linked that it is difficult to identify if, and where, one ends and the other begins. Of course payroll is about paying staff, and human resources is about managing staff. Yet businesses often find that by pulling them closely together, under a single HR payroll umbrella, their internal workings run more efficiently.
Resultantly, many business owners and their team members have discovered that Empower software provides them with combined HR and payroll solutions. This purpose built software bridges any potential between the likes of annual leave, payroll, pensions, recruitment, sick leave and training. Empower is most frequently recommended to businesses that are working really hard to evolve and improve their HR payroll functions, as it successfully provides them with integration.
Empower is all about the seamless streamlining of HR payroll within businesses. It is like pulling together many disparate pieces of information about staff from a variety of different filing cabinets and sorting them in to combined manageable records. It is true to its title, as Empower gives HR payroll professionals that use it comprehensive and instant access to staff records, from their job applications through to their pensions.
At Moorepay, one of the nation’s best respected HR payroll companies, we see time and time again the multitude of benefits that businesses experience when opting to use Empower. We help to oversee data transfer from exiting systems in order to ensure minimal disruption. We furthermore remain on hand to provide training and ongoing support during and beyond the initial stages of usage.