Cat food

Cat food for your beloved pussy

Today we pamper our pets, including our pussies, like never before. Sometimes they are better fed than we are. It maybe that you will cook fish for your cat and no doubt it will be appreciated, but they need a balanced food intake to not only look after their digestion, but also to look after their coat and teeth.

Dried food

Dried food is convenient in that it can be placed in the cat’s feeding bowl and will neither go dry or smell, nor will it attract flies, as fresh food will. The food will be of various flavours such as salmon or lamb, and will also contain some additives that will assist in maintaining the cat’s health. The food can be bought in bulk and can be stored in a dry place for a month or more and thus is a cost effective purchase. If you run a cattery then this is the most convenient food to offer to the resident cats. The additional benefit to this food is that the cat will strengthen its teeth and will also not develop bad breath.

Foil wrapped food

These days you can buy wet food in foil pouches and these are very convenient. They can be easily stored, need not be in the fridge until you open them, and will allow you to give your cat moist food in such quantities as it can eat at any one time. This means that the bowl will not contain dried up food and thus is more hygienic. The contents of the packets can vary from beef and chicken through to salmon and prawns. Your cat will be spoilt by the food you can give them

Tinned food

Many pet food manufactures will produce tinned food and this has been the case for many years. The tins will contain the standard foods such as beef, lamb and chicken, whilst some will now have fish including salmon that seems to be a favourite. There are now small tins of gourmet food so that you can give your cat a treat on special occasions.

A vast variety of cat food is now available so your cat need never go hungry.

If looking for cat food you needn’t look any further than, as we can supply a range of wet and dry cat food at competitive prices. Visit our website for our full range!

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