Felt are one of the leading names in bike design and engineering. Their extensive range of bikes are designed and manufactured to suit all levels and circumstances, so no matter what a rider’s budget may be; there will always be a felt bike available to suit it.
The selection of Felt bikes on offer is impressive and ranges from the budget friendly Felt Base 18.5 BMS right up to the engineering magnificence of the Felt ARO, (a revolutionary new carbon fibre machine that delivers an incredible lightweight cycling experience). Of course, mid-range bikes are also available too, with the Felt F5 being an impressive example of what Felt can deliver for a modest price. Indeed, the F5’s great durability and versatility enables riders to combine sprinting and hill riding with optimum levels of speed and performance.
However, regardless of whether a Felt bike is £200 or £9,000, it is designed and manufactured with one aim, objective and credo in mind – quality. Absolutely nothing is compromised at any stage in the creation process and this is what makes these bikes amongst the very best around. Whether they are mountain bikes, road bikes, or track bikes; Felt bikes are designed to withstand the toughest surfaces and weather conditions around. Furthermore, the fact that they require only minimal care and maintenance ensures that they can be kept looking immaculate and performing perfectly for a good long time to come.
There really aren’t many other bike companies around that can compete with Felt in producing such a wide range of quality bikes that suit all kinds of budgets. Truly, Felt road bikes, track bikes and mountain bikes combine everything a rider needs to ride safely, reliably, and at peak performance levels.
In short, nothing demand respects and delivers quality quite like a felt bike.