If you run a business web site, whatever its scale and aspirations, you will inevitably be concerned with keeping it secure – in other words, protected against malware and cybercrime. In 2009 the FBI reported a 22.3% increase in cybercrime complaints compared to the previous year. Meanwhile, around 1.5 million new malware programmes are published each month.
In this context of continuing IT security threats, of different types and severity levels, properly protecting your website becomes a top priority.
Your first line of defence is with your web hosting company. A robust firewall and other security software need to be in place, and regularly updated on the server the company is deploying to host your site. You will be reassured to know that, should you choose UK web hosting by EUKHost, your website will benefit from the highest levels of server protection. Our servers benefit from industrial strength firewalls and the highest quality security software. With web hosting by EUKHost you will also be offered free spam protection at the server level for your POP3 email accounts. With affordable web hosting from EUKHost your site will also be backed up regularly, so if it were ever compromised, the most recent previous version could easily, and rapidly, be restored.
Measures taken by your web hosting company need to be complemented by your own steps. First, ensure that your website control panel password is highly secure, and changed frequently.
Moreover, you should ensure that any computers involved in authoring your website are themselves robustly protected by big-name security software, including powerful firewalls.
Do also ensure that any scripts used to code parts of your site are fully verified and secure. Only re-use scripts published on reputable, reliable sites.
Finally, do ensure that you make regular backups of your site for yourself, as a further line of defence.