Avoiding Teenage Vandalism in Your Retail Park

If you manage or own a retail park, you know about the trouble teenage vandalism can cause. Anything from damage to plants and trees in the parking lots and spray paint on the outside of stores to things as serious as broken windows and theft. Here are some tips to help you avoid teenage vandalism in your retail park.
Installing CCTV cameras and an alarm system is essential to keeping a retail park safe. This will not only deter teenage vandals, but also thieves. There is no excuse for not having a surveillance system and alarm in place.
You can also put security motion sensor lighting in the parking lots and other areas to deter troublemakers. Most people who see a light will assume that there is someone on the property, even if there is not.
Putting up industrial fencing around the property will also deter most vandals. Metal fencing is hard to climb, and if you have a good solid gate and lock you should be able to keep most people out. Find industrial fencing and metal fencing from suppliers of industrial hardware and materials for businesses.
Another idea is to have a security patrol. You can hire security guards to watch over the property, but you can also work with the local police if you have a specific concern or have seen someone trying to vandalize the property before. Report anything that happens immediately.
Enlist your employees to watch for problems. Anyone who notices anything suspicious should report this to you, or to a security guard immediately. Too often someone assumes that someone else will notice a problem and don’t report it themselves.
Keeping the property contained, under surveillance, and well lit will help to deter teenage vandals. And the more people who can get involved in helping, the better.

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