IPAF Training – like your potential, the options are endless.

You wouldn’t trim someone’s tresses with a GNVQ in hairdressing; you certainly wouldn’t undertake root canal treatment without studying to be a dentist and you definitely wouldn’t attempt to build your neighbour a brick wall without some sort of bricklaying experience. So, why would you work at heights without IPAF training?

With IPAF training courses available right now for operators, demonstrators and instructors; Higher Access have all the knowledge and skills necessary to make sure the IPAF training you get is verifiably sound and certifiably safe. The entire range of IPAF training courses all equip you with the much-needed skills to perform your job successfully and without risking your personal safety. The IPAF training courses are standardised and cover the following units: correct harness use, loading/unloading, MEWPs for managers and they will teach you how to correctly use: static vertical, static boom, mobile vertical, insulated aerical and specialist machines.

Higher Access- since their inception- was formed to supply the access industries with multi-brand access fleets to solve problems that conventional access lifts couldn’t accommodate. However since the birth of the highly-regarded company, Higher Access have also moved into other areas of expertise and are now proud to provide seamless, thorough and accurate IPAF training to workplaces nationwide. They are attentive, friendly and approachable and will always aim to tailor their provision of IPAF training according to what their customers need to cover and how best they feel they’ll ingest the essential knowledge.

As a fully accredited IPAF training centre, Higher Access were the very first specialist hire company to be awarded the elusive IPAF rental and accreditation. And, because they recognise that everyone learns effectively in different ways, to become a national giant for IPAF training; they are committed to small class sizes and proactive learning.

The sky’s the limit at Higher Access so if you require IPAF training, visit them online today at: www.higheraccess.co.uk to find out more.



IPAF Training from higheraccess.co.uk. We offer the most capable high access machines that will make your job ten times easier. Visit us if you are looking for Spiderlift